Who we are...

burdy is a family effort, B, Ollie, and Max are my muses. B also brings home the bacon to fund my little adventure...

I love what I do when I have time, and hopefully you will love it too..

All onesies and tees are 100% cotton, sweat shop free and I get as much in organic cotton as I can... organic cotton has a great feel to it... super soft...... I hand dye in small batches to get some great colors, which also adds to the uniqueness of each piece, no two will ever be the same.... I basically draw on the little onesies and shirts with my sewing machine, it is a great tool, and looks really cool too. All screenprinting is hand done and all ideas come from my crafty hands and head to yours, no assembly line in this house, each one is a piece of art.... It feels good to make a piece of clothing as unique as the little ones that will wear it...

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